Sip them one more glass of misery.

There are many types of drunk people.

There are those who drink socialy and those who drink unsocialy.
Those who drink to have fun, and those who drink to take the fun away from others.
Those who say the right things and those who say the wrong things.
Those who remember who they are and those who forget it.
Those who remain quiet and those who scream.
Those who stay motionless and those who break everything that crosses their way.
Those who get sentimental and those who get agressive.
Those who drink to remember and those who drink to forget.

But overall, there are the ones who just drink.
For no particular reason. Because they need it, because they don't know what else to do.

Those who are helpless. Those who think they've found the cure in the sickness.


  1. obrigada, tenho de ler o livro e ver o filme :D
    uma amiga minha já leu e adorou.
